Since the 1991 Constitution, jurisprudence has had greater relevance as a source of tax law due to the innovations incorporated in the Political Charter, not only due to the explicit adoption of the structure of the generating event as part of the reserve of law, as well as the traditional tax typology, but also by the adoption of the principles of the tax system as a measure of containment of tax power, ) the inclusion of the duty of all Colombians to contribute.
Since then, the Externadista Center for Fiscal Studies (CEEF) has used jurisprudence in its programs and debates, as can be seen in the different published works. Additionally, at the invitation of the Court, it has participated in the constitutionality processes, with which an analytical jurisprudential base has been formed that is widely discussed in the annual seminars held with the participation of the official entities in charge of tax doctrine in our system. This work, which initially had a more ambitious scope, includes some of the documents prepared for these seminars, and is published in order to begin a more orderly stage that annually reports on the most significant tax doctrine and jurisprudence.
This publication is a continuation of the jurisprudential database developed in conjunction with the Computer Law Department. To take advantage of this task, since 2000 the Observatory of Jurisprudence and Fiscal and Tax Doctrine (OJDOT) was created, in charge of observing, analyzing and monitoring the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the Council of State, as well as the doctrine of the DIAN, the DAF and the District Treasury Secretariat, with the purpose of identifying jurisprudential trends and using them within the research projects and academic programs developed by the department.
El precedente judicial, el particularismo y los observatorios de jurisprudencia César Sánchez Muñoz
Los efectos hacia el pasado de las sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional en materia tributaria. Una crítica a los fundamentos de la doctrina prospectiva ) a la teoría de la "responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado Legislador" Andrés Báez Moreno
Los límites internacionales del poder tributario en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional José Manuel Castro
Análisis jurídico del mandato constitucional de promoción del acceso a la cultura y algunos de sus efectos en el ordenamiento de la hacienda pública en Colombia Paola Andrea Gómez García Andrés Esteban Ordóñez Pérez
Las amnistías tributarias. Un análisis crítico de la jurisprudencia constitucional en Colombia (1992-2015) Eduardo Andrés Cubides Durán
Delimitación conceptual de la noción de capacidad contributiva en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional colombiana Cristian Camilo Rodríguez
Los principios formales de reserva de ley y seguridad jurídica en el derecho tributario colombiano. Sentencias relevantes en los 25 años de jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional Mauricio Marín Elizalde .José Antonio Paz Mesías Tributos propios de las comunidades autónomas: el supuesto de la fiscalidad energética y ambiental Enrique Ortiz Calle
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