This work condenses various presentations presented by the speakers within the framework of the XXXVI International Conference on Criminal Law, held at the Externado University of Colombia on August 20, 21 and 22, 2014, which dealt with "Justice and post-conflict" as a topic. of debate, as well as some exhibitions socialized in the xxxvnInternational Conference on Criminal Law, "Current problems of criminal justice", carried out in this same Alma Mater during August 12, 13 and 14, 2015.
The forums reviewed, then, had as a common denominator the addressing of multiple topics that are closely related to transversal aspects of criminal justice, specifically, the main problematic situations and the current challenges faced by the criminal prosecution system, both in the field of ordinary justice as well as from the perspective of the current situation of the country, with a view to advancing the peace process, between the National Government and the FARC-EP, which involves the adoption of a transitional justice model from the state of war to a stable peace situation. This is a subject that currently occupies and, without a doubt, will continue to capture the attention not only of academia, but also of judicial operators, lawyers and legal scholars in general, as these are phenomena that preserve its validity and merit the formulation of strategies to optimize the administration of criminal justice.
La inimputabilidad en el sistema actual de procesamiento: replanteamiento del problema Nódier Agudelo Betancur
El delito de lavado de activos en el Código Penal español (art. 301 CP): últimas reformas legislativas y tendencias jurisprudenciales María Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Derecho penal y justicia transicional en Colombia Caterina Heyck Puyana
El principio yel fin del proceso: la inocencia del encartado Javier Sánchez- Vera Gómez- Trelles El tipo subjetivo y la motivación del autor Javier Sénchez- Vera Gómez- Trelles
Beneficios por colaboración con la administración de justicia William F Torres Tópaga
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