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Gobernanza, coproducción y bioeconomía contra el cambio climático
El Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático en 2018 previno que, si no actuamos hoy, no vamos a lograr el objetivo de 1,5 °C, que es el límite para evitar un futuro no viable para la humanidad. En 2019 la revista Nature previno que ese umbral es el que podría evitar los puntos de inflexión en el Sistema de la Tierra, tales como la pérdida de la selva amazónica o el colapso de las capas de hielo; lo que sugiere un estado de emergencia planetaria: tanto el riesgo como la urgencia de la situación son agudas. En 2020 la Organización Meteorológica Mundial advirtió que entre 2020 y 2024 la temperatura media mundial podría elevarse a 1,5°. Es urgente actuar ahora, máxime porque los compromisos actuales son insuficientes, pues de cumplirse el Acuerdo de París, el mundo se dirigirá a un aumento de temperatura de 3,2 °C. Se requieren medidas más ambiciosas dirigidas a un compromiso mundial que ahora limite la temperatura mundial a 1,5 °C. Hay que superar la inacción climática de la década pasada y conformar una masa crítica de países que asuman este compromiso. Con base en lo anterior, se argumenta que la investigación académica debe propiciar nuevas transformaciones desde la gobernanza global, la coproducción de políticas y la “bioeconomía ecológica”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned in 2018 that, if we do not act today, we will not achieve the 1.5 °C target, which is the limit to avoid a non-viable future for humanity. In 2019, the journal Nature warned that this threshold is the one that could avoid turning points in the Earth System, such as the loss of the Amazon rainforest or the collapse of ice sheets; that suggests a planetary state of emergency: both the risk and the urgency of the situation are acute. In 2020, the World Meteorological Organization warned that, between the years 2020 and 2024, the global average temperature could rise by 1.5 °C. It is urgent to act now, especially since the current commitments are insufficient, because, if the Paris Agreement is to be fulfilled, the world will be directed to a temperature increase of 3.2 °C. More ambitious measures are needed to target a global commitment that now limits global temperature to 1.5 °C. We must overcome the climate inaction of the past decade and form a critical mass of countries that assume this commitment. Based on the above, it is argued that academic research should lead to further transformations in global governance, policy co-production and «ecological bioeconomy
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned in 2018 that, if we do not act today, we will not achieve the 1.5 °C target, which is the limit to avoid a non-viable future for humanity. In 2019, the journal Nature warned that this threshold is the one that could avoid turning points in the Earth System, such as the loss of the Amazon rainforest or the collapse of ice sheets; that suggests a planetary state of emergency: both the risk and the urgency of the situation are acute. In 2020, the World Meteorological Organization warned that, between the years 2020 and 2024, the global average temperature could rise by 1.5 °C. It is urgent to act now, especially since the current commitments are insufficient, because, if the Paris Agreement is to be fulfilled, the world will be directed to a temperature increase of 3.2 °C. More ambitious measures are needed to target a global commitment that now limits global temperature to 1.5 °C. We must overcome the climate inaction of the past decade and form a critical mass of countries that assume this commitment. Based on the above, it is argued that academic research should lead to further transformations in global governance, policy co-production and «ecological bioeconomy
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