This book reflects the research work of a group of Colombian and Italian professors who talk about private autonomy. Principle in whose values the creative wealth of multiple relationships in the private sphere is rooted.
The influence of private autonomy reveals the existence of an ever-growing and transformative power of individuals, particularly embodied in contracts, which strengthens the intricate system of sources of law in a globalized world with the power to cross national borders through the circulation of contractual models, negotiating standards, framework codes of principles and rules freely adopted by private parties. Which shows the fallacy of the strictly technical nature of law and, in turn, highlights, on the other hand, its political nature as an entirely human creation.
Thus, autonomy, through contracts, expands its force outside the exclusively private sphere, since public and private interests come together in these, as the contract is a scenario for the realization of fundamental rights, with the potential to become an instrument of promotion of economic and social development, which by its nature must be conceived as an instrument of cooperation and not power. Hence, this book highlights that although the contract reflects an economic operation that underlies the agreement itself, the cooperative nature of the relationship forces us to observe that said economic operation does not exhaust the content of the contract, since it has a social function that requires respect for the values contained in the principles that govern the legal system.
This book highlights that the contract also becomes an instrument of social organization, which goes beyond the function of immediate and personal exchange, and becomes a mechanism to establish durable and stable structures aimed at obtaining common interests, in which cooperation and organizational function become substantial. All of which leads to a necessary reinterpretation of the role of contractual autonomy and to give special attention to the new challenges and dangers in terms of legitimacy, efficiency and justice, that arise with the contemporary contract, which implies recognizing that private autonomy in general and, in particular, its numerous applications are subject to limits that are expressed within the framework of the principle of human dignity, in the prevalence of the general interest, in the social and ecological function of property and business activity, in the preservation of legal personality, in the demands of solidarity, and in general in the common good.
Prólogo Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal
Teorías del contrato en la jurisprudencia clásicaLuigi Garofolo La difusión del principio del consensualismo en América Latina: las categorías real y consensual en el derecho de los contratosAntonio Saccoccio
Poderes de los privados, fuentes y transformaciones del derecho. Búsqueda de un nuevo orden conceptual Mauro Grondona
El contrato, una estructura capaz de contener los elementos del desarrollo Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal
Autonomía privada y el contrato como instrumento económico y social: ¿continuidad, adaptación, transformación? José Félix Chamie
Más allá del contrato por medio del contrato: las transformaciones del mecanismo contractual en la era de la globalización Javier Mauricio Rodríguez Olmos
Constitución y límites a la autonomía privada Margarita Morales Huertas
El control del equilibrio económico y originario del contrato. Entre la justicia contractual y la justicia distributiva Indira Johana Díaz Lindao
Los límites a la autonomía privada en el mutuo disenso Carlos Alberto Chinchilla Imbeu
Límites a la autonomía privada en la constitución de garantías mobiliarias. Algunas antinomias entre la Ley de Garantías Mobiliarias y los principios de derecho privado que rigen la contratación Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal y Carlos Alberto Chinchilla Imbett
Autonomía privada y tutela de la confianza: ¿antítesis o síntesis? Matteo Dellacasa
Autonomía privada y consentimiento informadoMilagros Koteicb Khatib
Los contratos normativos. Un parangón entre la normatividad colombiana y la italiana a propósito de su tipicidad legal Fernando Alarcán Rojas
Un nuevo horizonte para la autonomía privada: la libertad de elección de la ley aplicable al contrato Daniel Rojas Tamayo
Martha Lucía Neme Villarreal
Doctora en derecho privado. Tesis doctoral: La buena fe objetiva en materia contractual. Universidad de Roma Tor Vergata.Magister en Derecho de los contratos, unificación del derecho y derecho de la integración. Tesis de maestría: Principios generales del derecho en materia contractual. Universidad de Roma Tor Vergata.Especialista en derecho Comercial. Universidad de los Andes. Colombia.Docente Universidad Externado de Colombia, profesora investigadora de tiempo completo a los Departamentos de Derecho Privado, Derecho Romano, Derecho Internacional de los negocios y al programa de Doctorado en Derecho.Miembro de la escuela doctoral Universidad Externado de Colombia.
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