Starting in 2014, Brazil entered a phase of economic and social withdrawal that many emphatically describe as one of the most serious crises that the southern giant has had in its recent history.
The most alarmist of analysts are already predicting the disappearance of Brazil from the international scene and the end of its prominence in the region. However, and as demonstrated in this rigorous analysis, the material elements of Brazilian power have only been consolidated since the beginning of the 21st century. In fact, regardless of the rhetoric chosen by the government of the day, since the military dictatorship in the 80s, repeated behaviors that speak for themselves can be evident.
The Brazilian state follows a strategy of domination of its political and geographical environment using the material means at its disposal. Depending on the historical moment, the economic and political situation, governments have chosen direct/offensive tactics or indirect/defensive tactics, but the priority has always been the safeguarding of the territory and the productive and destructive capacities of the country.
CAPITULO 1. Brasil y su poder real: la importancia otorgada al poder militar
CAPITULO 2. Economía, población y territorio: primer paso para ser potencia
CAPITULO 3. Situación nuclear: la llegada al umbral transformativo en materia tecnológica
CAPITULO 4. Brasil en el sistema actual: nuevas oportunidades, nuevos retos
Andrés Arturo Peña Galindo
Información de autor disponible próximamente.
Florent Frasson-Quenoz
Doctor en Seguridad Internacional y Defensa, Doctor en Estudios Políticos, master en Relaciones Internacionales, Master en Derecho Internacional, Master en Historia Contemporánea, Historiador y Geógrafo. Es investigador del Centro de Investigaciones y Proyectos Especiales de la Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales. Sus temas de interés son las teorías de las relaciones internacionales y el continente africano.
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