Diasporic Contrapoints integrates a set of studies and essays whose common thread is the interweaving of power, culture and politics in Our Afro-America. Through a series of contrapuntal analyzes we are composing a cartography of politics and the political in the historical universe of the Afro-Latin American diasporas. Our Afro-America is framed in the Afro world, which in its triple historical location (as alternative modernity, "counterculture of modernity" and alternative to modernity) has been and must be a pillar in the main efforts to transcend "the prehistory of humanity" and to realize, armed with hope, a kind of practical utopia inspired by the conviction that "a better world is possible.
The contrapuntal marriage of research and writing follows the example of a long tradition in Afro-diasporic, Caribbean and Latin American intellectual production that creatively combines historiography and narrative, sociological research and literary allegory, political theory and vernacular thought, auto-ethnography and historical analysis, in in order to produce non-positivist, trans/postdisciplinary scientific knowledge that cultivates its poetic imagination, its radical critical character and its commitment to decoloniality and liberation. Beating that lyrical and analytical drum, the book is divided into five parts that open with quotes from the African-American literary corpus, along with fragments of essays, popular music and references to Afrodiasporic religions, especially the Yoruba and the divinities of its pantheon: lasjlos Orishas. The literary texts (poetic, narrative, essayistic), musical, theological, and theoretical, which introduce the five parts and some of the chapters, testify to the syncopated counterpoint between the forms of discourse and the content and present an analysis in which the political is not It is reduced to the modes of organization and participation in the formal spheres of citizenship, the State and the parties, but it extends to all power struggles.
CON PARTE IMOYUGBA Contrapunteos afrodiaspóricos: introducción en clave Capítulo I. Arqueologías y Genealogías de Nuestra Afroamérica Capítulo 2. Hacia una analítica de formaciones étnico-raciales, racismos y política racial Capítulo 3. ¿Qué hay en un nombre? Lenguajes y discursos de afrodescendenciay negritud en Nuestra Afroamérica
PARTE II ORO SECO Capítulo 4. Descolonizar la memoria en aras de forjar futuros de liberación: repensando las independencias a la luz de la Revolución Haitiana Capítulo 5. Poliritmos del Atlántico Negro: malungaje, apalencamiento, diásporas entrelazadas
PARTE III ARROLLANDO Capítulo 6. Cartografías del campo político afrodescendiente en América Latina Capítulo 7. Contrapunteos políticos afroamericanos en la era del neoliberalismo y la crisis de la civilización occidental capitalista Capítulo 8. Feminismos negros que dan a luz nuevas corrientes políticas y epistémicas PARTE IV EBBÓ BEMBÉ Capítulo 9. Genealogías descoloniales: hacia una justicia reparativaen clave de africanía Capítulo 10. Apoderamiento, descolonización y democracia sustantiva: afinando principios ético-políticos para las diásporas afroamericanas Capítulo 11. Horizontes de esperanza en clave de africanía: concibiendo la construcción de escenarios de justicia y paz en Colombia
PARTE V MAMBOS FINALES Capítulo 12. Mambo n." 1. Cimarrón, nación y diáspora. Contrapuntos de Estados raciales y movimientos afrodescendientes en Colombia y Cuba Capítulo 13. ¡Qué rico el mambo! Contrapunteo Afrocubano: doña Nganga Libertad y don Ajiaco Descolonial Capítulo 14. Mambo n. 5. ¡Ubuntu y Uramba para parir una nueva humanidad! Palenques planetarios y futuros descoloniales de liberación
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