El concepto y función de las bancadas
Las transformaciones de la representación política
The object of this research is to analyze and establish the concept and function of the benches in the Colombian constitutional order based on the similarities and differences that exist with the meaning that parliamentary groups have had in Europe, particularly in the Spanish constitutional order. and Italian, with the background and models that these regulations received from other European countries, and taking into account the interpretative determinations imposed in Colombia by the constitutional reform of 2003, the regulatory context in which the regulation of the benches is introduced.
The purpose of the research is to determine the consequences that the meaning and function of the benches have on the constitutionally established model of political representation, on the relations between parliament and political organization and on the relations between the individual parliamentarian and his political organization to which he belongs. . In this sense, the thesis that is maintained is that there has been a change in the model of political representation in Colombia, as a result of which a party mandate has been established, which in normative terms is fundamentally caused by the introduction and regulation of the benches.
Capítulo 1
Marco general de análisis. Las transformaciones de la representación política en la democracia de partidos en Europa
Capítulo 2
Origen y reconocimiento jurídico de los grupos parlamentarios
Capítulo 3
El debate sobre el concepto y la función del grupo parlamentario
Capítulo 4
Sistema electoral, sistema de partidos y regulación constitucional de la representación política en el constitucionalismo histórico colombiano
Capítulo 5
La regulación de las bancadas en el ordenamiento constitucional colombiano
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