¿El estado constitucional en jaque?, tomo III.
El estado constitucional en períodos de transición
With an eye on the transformations and challenges of the constitutional State today, with a globalized world that tends to polarize and radicalize ideas, a group of researchers from the Externado University of Colombia has met to respond, from different disciplines. and areas, the same question: Is the constitutional State currently in check? This is how the collective work The constitutional state in check? brings together the research of more than thirty Colombian academics who aim to contribute to the (re) consolidation of the contemporary constitutional State in its democratic component, its relationship with international law, in the challenge imposed by overcoming the conflict (the transition) and, finally , in the critical approach to the constitutional phenomenon.
This third volume, "The constitutional State in periods of transition", addresses what is perhaps the challenge of the Colombian State in the 21st century: the consolidation of a constitutional State in the post-conflict scenario. The reader will be able to find in its content the studies and analysis on the environmental sustainability of the "new" State, the constitutionality control of the constitutional reforms for the transition, the replacement of the Constitution, the principle of proportionality of criminal sanctions, the role of local judges, the usefulness of symbolic reparation and, of course, regulatory development for the transition.
Prólogo Juan Carlos Henao
Presentación Floralba Padrón Pardo El Estado constitucional en periodos de transición Floralba Padrón Pardo Magdalena Correa Henao
La sostenibilidad ambiental en el marco de la construcción de una paz estable y duradera Carolina Montes Cortés
El deber de la Corte de autocontrolar la constitucionalidad de sus actos de control por vicios de competencia Diego Moreno Cruz
Mutación de la teoría de la sustitución en torno a la paz: un camino flexible a través de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional Francisco Barbosa Delgado El principio de proporcionalidad de la sanción penal en el Acuerdo de Paz y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos Fabio Estrada Valencia
El papel de los jueces en tiempos de transición; acceso a la justicia en las zonas afectadas por la influencia de grupos armados organizados Héctor Vargas Vaca
Una perspectiva habermasiana de la justicia transicional en el proceso de paz de Colombia Héctor Wiesner León
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