English for general purposes. Level II
There is andincreasing need for students whoare approaching graduation to be ableto interact effectively with written and oral material that they encounter in their fields of study. Institutions are preparing their students to respond to new materials as more informationin English becomes availablewold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. increasing need for students whoare approaching graduation to be ableto interact effectively with written and oral material that they encounter in their fields of study. Institutions are preparing their students to respond to new materials as more informationin English becomes availablewold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. are approaching graduation to be ableto interact effectively with written and oral material that they encounter in their fields of study. Institutions are preparing their students to respond to new materials as more informationin English becomes availablewold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. to interact effectively with written and oral material that they encounter in their fields of study. Institutions are preparing their students to respond to new materials as more informationin English becomes availablewold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. in English becomes availablewold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. wold-widethrough professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. through professional journals, newspapers, televisión, and the Internet. Therefore, thegoal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. goal of the University is to provide students with mechanisms that allow them to interact and respond critically to English texts and to develop theircommunicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. communicativecompetente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. competente so that thay can search for better proffesional opportunities in nacional and internacional context. General objetives To develop oral and written abilites to communicate effectively in varied context in which the English language is used.To develop each student´s communicative competente through solid foundations in each one of its components: grammatical, syntactic, strategic, and socio-linguistic.To apply learning strategiesthat foster autonomy in the process of learning a foreing language. that foster autonomy in the process of learning a foreing language.To apply strategies that facilite access to current information available in English and that related to the professional area chosen by the student. It is expected that students will be able to select, comprehend, analyse, and respond critically to information in English.
María Fernanda Téllez Téllez
Doctorado Universidad Pedagógica Y Tecnológica De Colombia - Uptc - Sede Tunja Doctorado en Educación Enerode2015 - Febrero de 2022 Prácticas Pedagógicas de los Maestros de inglés: La auto confrontación para la reflexión sobre la acción Maestría/Magister UNIVERSIDAD EXTERNADO DE COLOMBIA Maestría en educación Juniode2005 - Junio de 2008 Una mirada hacia la competencia argumentativa en lengua extranjera a través del debate de temas de interés social en el aula Pregrado/Universitario Fundación Universitaria San Martin Facultad de Administración de Empresas a Distancia Juliode2002 - Septiembre de 2009 Diseño de un modelo de calidad en el subproceso de selección y definición de perfiles en el área de recursos en los supermercados Siglo XXI S.A, Bogotá Pregrado/Universitario UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES Facultad de Lenguas Modernas Enerode1988 - de 1993 Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas