Cuadernos del CIPE No. 21. An inclusive map of international relations theories and authors

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One of the main obstacles when one tries to explain what it means to understand the world with analytical tools is the absence of an inclusive chart that presents the similarities and differences between one theory and the other.

In this paper I will try to explain what this chart could look like, and position the main authors and theories of International Relations on it. 

My intellectual questioning started when I read a 2009 paper by Ole Waever on Kenneth Waltz, in which he presented Waltz's Theory of theory. In this very same paper Waltz explains how the construction of an intellectual representation is an indispensable first step in the direction of creating a new theory. Following this advice, and remembering my younger days when I was trying to understand the Unfortunately, IR theorizing  is not a two dimensional phenomenon and a representation inspired from the semicircular right and left divide could nor render its complexity. Alexander Wendr's mapping of IRT (2006, p. 29) was considering two dimensions of IRT from an ontological standpoint. 

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