The ILO, in the book labor reform in Latin America: 15 years later, proposed the following concept regarding the employment contract in the region. UEI employment contract in the laws of Latin America is an act constituting obligations (it is the same agreement of wills, regardless of its form, that gives rise to the obligations) a bilateral legal transaction, of continuous execution over time (not is limited to a single moment, such as the purchase-sale contract, for example), which arises from the own will of the parties to 'oblige themselves to provide work', on the one hand, and to remunerate the work, on the other. In short, the employment contract guarantees the freedom of work recognized in the Constitutions and provides the individual employment relationship with a set of minimum conditions."
Thirteen years have passed since this book appeared until today, during which an international economic crisis was experienced that has generated a diversity of approaches to economic policies and the development paradigm; At least twenty million jobs have been lost in the world; The asymmetries between the economic and the social have increased and, thanks to technology, multiple virtual work options have emerged that have revolutionized the way of working and demand a reconfiguration of labor standards.
For this reason, it is more than pertinent to question the role of the employment contract today, particularly in the countries of our region, for which a research project was formulated in which a collective work of academics from seven countries was achieved. and in which the challenges that national legislation must face to preserve the scope of protection provided by the employment contract are evident, the basic contents of labor legislation regarding this are explained and a comparative synthesis is made between what is in each country, in order to call for reflection and the search for alternatives so that labor law is not left behind in the face of what has been called the fourth industrial revolution.
Presentación Katerine Bermúdez Alarcón
Capítulo 1
Del contrato de trabajo al contrato civil: ¿ilusión o realidad? Augustin Emane
Capítulo 2
La autonomía de la voluntad y el orden público en el contrato de trabajo Diego Alejandro Sánchez Acero
Capítulo 3
¿Afectan las regulaciones laborales el desempeño económico de los países? Evidencia en América Latina (más Estados Unidos y Canadá) Javier Leonardo Caray Vargas
El contrato de trabajo. Informe de ArgentinaÓscar Zas Mariela Lucía Fernández
Capítulo 5
El contrato de trabajo en Brasil: análisis legales contemporáneosClaudio Jannotti da Rocha Lorena Vasconcelos Porto
Capítulo 6 El contrato de trabajo. Informe de ChileMaría Cristina Gajardo Harboe
Capítulo 7
Contrato de trabajo. Informe nacional de ColombiaJorge Mario Benítez Pinedo Katerine Bermúdez Alarcón
Capítulo 8 El contrato de trabajo en el PerúGuillermo Boza Pró Raúl Saco Barrios
Capítulo 9 El contrato de trabajo. Informe nacional de Uruguay Álvaro Rodríguez Ascue Capítulo 10 Contrato de trabajo. Informe nacional de Venezuela Alexandre Marín Fantuzi Gustavo Saturno Troccoli
Capítulo 11 Panorama sinóptico general de los informes nacionales sobre el contrato de trabajo Mario Garmendia Arigón
Katerine Bermúdez Alarcón
Abogada. Doctora en Derecho, magíster en Empleo, Relaciones Laborales y Diálogo Social, especialista en Derecho del Trabajo, diplomada en Seguridad Social y Análisis Económico del Derecho. Es profesora de cátedra y seminarios en la Facultad de Finanzas y Relaciones Internacionales y de pregrado y posgrado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas, capítulos de libro e investigaciones sobre temas de derecho laboral. En la actualidad se desempeña como directora del Departamento de Derecho Laboral y de Seguridad Social.
Augustin Emane
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