Tell me the fiscal history and I will tell you the history of the State. In this volume of quantitative and thoroughly argued research - economic history at its finest - the authors provide us with a "total history" of the national state in Colombia and its nine federative entities during the federal liberal period between 1880 and 1886.
It is a very important book because detailed work had never been done on the public finances of the federal states and, above all, the annual taxes by tax category of each state. I am surprised by the variety of taxes and the differences in the use of direct taxation.
Between 1856 and 1886, Colombia experimented, after the confusing trials of Independence, with a federal political organization. This work analyzes the economic and especially fiscal effects of federalism, which had surprising results: they were years of economic expansion and the affirmation and expansion of citizenship, despite the political and social weaknesses and limitations. This book, based on a careful analysis by a large team of authors, allows us to see the impact of federalism region by region, in a country whose diversity was consolidated during these years.
Las finanzas públicas de la Confederación Granadina y los Estados Unidos de Colombia (1850-1886)Salomón Kalmanovitz Edwin López Rivera
Las cuentas fiscales de Antioquia (1856-1899)Ricardo Kergelen
Ingresos y gastos fiscales en el Estado Soberano de Bolívar (1857-1885) Roicer Flárez Bolívar Sergio Paolo Solano D.
La historia fiscal de Boyacá (1863-1886). Sueños liberales y recursos limitados Joshua Rosenthal
Cauca federal: riqueza territorial y pobreza fiscalÓscar Granados
Las finanzas públicas del estado de Cundinamarca (1850-1886)Manuela Fonseca Gómez Edwin López Rivera
Finanzas públicas del Estado Soberano del Magdalena (1850-1886) Joaquín Viloria de la Hoz Etna Bayona Velásquez
El federalismo y la fiscalidad en el Estado Soberano de Panamá (1856-1886)Salomón Kalmanovitz
Las finanzas de Santander en el período radicalJuan Gonzalo Zapata
Fiscalidad en el Estado Soberano del Tolima (1863-1885)José Joaquín Pinto Salomón Kalmanovitz
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