Las prestaciones sociales en el sector público y en el privado.
Introducción 11
Las prestaciones sociales a cargo del empleador particular 23
Prestaciones sociales incorporadas al sistema integral de la seguridad social 51
Las prestaciones sociales a cargo de la nación 113
Otras prestaciones 147
Bibliografía 163
This work is presented as a manual of the Social Benefits system, a complementary part of the remuneration of the subordinate worker, for the knowledge of students and those interested in these social topics.
In a historical account of the development of social benefits system, the Substantive Labor Code of 1950 classified them into two groups: Common social benefits for all employers and special social benefits with special characteristics that could have the capacity to attend to them.
The implementation of the Social Security Institute in 1964 for work-related risks and in 1967 for economic risks modified the Code's classification by assuming both common social benefits as well as special social benefits, a modification that was further increased with the enactment of Law 100 of 1993, regarding the Social Security System in compliance with articles 48 and 49 of the Political Constitution.
At present, the social benefits system is divided into two groups: social benefits borne by the employer and social benefits assumed within the Social Security System through employer affiliation and contributions, or by the employer together with the workers.
Impreso bajo demanda
Alfredo Puyana Silva
Puyana Silva era un santandereano de pura cepa, lector empedernido, apasionado por la historia y la ópera, liberal hasta las entrañas, excelente conversador, madrugador y buen caminante.Experto en derecho laboral y seguridad social, tuvo una destacada carrera como abogado, docente y funcionario público. Fue juez promiscuo municipal; Representante a la Cámara por el partido Liberal; Concejal de Bucaramanga; secretario general y segundo delegado de la Superintendencia de Sociedades; representante de Acopi al Consejo Nacional Laboral; docente en las Universidades Santo Tomás de Aquino (1977-1984), Autónoma de Bucaramanga (1979-1982) y Externado de Colombia desde 1985.