Precautionary measures are a procedural tool in heterocompositive dispute resolution systems, which facilitate in each specific case the material achievement of effective judicial protection. In both the judicial process and the arbitration process, precautions enjoy the same importance: in Both instances have the objective of guaranteeing the materialization of the judicial or arbitration decision, as appropriate.
However, its legislative development has not occurred in parallel in both processes; While in the field of jurisdiction precautionary measures have had wide recognition, another situation arises in the field of the arbitration process, where little by little, and by virtue of awareness-raising work by the United Nations Commission for the International Commercial Law, the legislators of most European and Latin American countries have been making room for them in their regulations.
Starting from the importance that the precautionary matter has for the arbitration process, the author of this book analyzes the three procedural moments into which the study of precautionary protection can be divided: the request, adoption and execution of precautionary measures, along with the annulment of precautionary awards, it also focuses on the study of the Colombian and Spanish legal systems; However, at the same time, different foreign arbitration regulations are taken as references.
Capítulo primero
Cuestiones preliminares
1. Arbitraje
2. Medidas cautelares
3. Principios procesales
Capítulo segundo
Sujetos y procedimientos para adoptar medidas cautelares en el proceso arbitral
1. Sujetos
2. Procedimiento
Capítulo tercero
La decisión cautelar
1. Sobre las resoluciones arbitrales
2. Acerca de los autos cautelares
3. Acerca de la posibilidad que tiene el demandante cautelar de acudir ante el juez
4. Modificación de las medidas cautelares
5. Alzamietno de medidas cautelares
Capítulo cuarto
Anulación de la resolución arbitral cautelar
1. Noción
2. Configuración legal
3. Sujetos en el proceso de anulación
4. Ejercicio de la acción de anulación
5. Aplicación de los motivos de anulación del laudo a las decisiones cautelares
6. Procedimiento
7. Justificación de la anulación del laudo cautelar
Capítulo quinto
Ejecución de la decisión cautelar
1. La potestas como elemento configurador
2. Régimen legal
3. Ejecución laudo cautelar
4. Ejecución del auto cautelar
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