Silencios y disputas en la historia de hispanoamérica
Today the issue is thought of in a completely opposite way: it was the devastating crisis unleashed by the events of the Nights of Bayonne in March 1808 - the surrender of the monarchy to Napoleon - that broke the empire by unleashing a long process of dissolution that gave rise to the independences. The emancipations are considered in this way as the effect and not the cause of the collapse of the Catholic Monarchy. This Copernican shift in perspective opened an enormous gap in historiography: Many myths nurtured in the 20th century by Hispanic American nationalisms, and by the same Peninsular nationalism, collapsed with it.
How this historiographical change was slowly reached is not easy to explain, and this is not the place to address such a major issue. There is no doubt, for example, that the very concept of 'nation' underwent a radical revision in international culture. The same could be said of the paradigm of the 'Atlantic Revolutions'. There were those who - like Francois-Xavier Guerra - argued that throughout the Spanish-speaking world, there was a 'cycle of revolutions', the originality of which makes them hardly comparable to others.
At the same time, the breadth of the change raised a host of new questions, opened new disputes, and brought out of the darkness many historiographical silences that need to be rescued today.
Revoluciones hispanoamericanas: problemas y definiciones
Primera parte
Las disputas en torno a la américa hispánica
1. Las paradojas ocultas del quinto centenario
2. Liberalismo y democracia: de dos historias a una. Desde Max Weber hasta Norberto Bobbio, 1919-1960
3. Votar en el siglo XIX
Segunda parte
La cuestión imperial
4. Acerca de lo imperial moderno
5. Lo imperial en la américa hispánica
6. Del imperio a la invención de la «diversidad» hispanoamericana
7. Soberanías en lucha
Tercera parte
Definir una revolución: el caso mexicano
8. La «revolución novohispana» y la independencia
9. 1808: el ocaso de un histórico autonomismo criollo
10. La ruralización de lo político
11. Nación y pueblos
Una reflexión final: la historia frente a los tiempos de la dispersión
Antonio Annino
Información de autor disponible próximamente.